Michael Jackson’s Son Breaks Silence On Harry Styles Being Called ‘New King Of Pop’ Now, Says No Current Star Can Come Even Close

After Taj Jackson, Michael Jackson’s son reacts to Harry Styles being called the New King Of Pop. Read on to know.

The buzz around being the best in the industry is massive, and everybody wants to be that. The unparalleled King Of Pop Michael Jackson was the best of the best and nobody can even challenge his legacy that he has left behind. But turns out the title he holds became a point of conversation recently when someone refered to Harry Styles with it casually. We saw MJ’s nephew had a very harsh recation to it, turns out now his son Prince is talking about it.

It was over a month ago when a magazine featured Harry Styles on the cover for that month and while it was an interesting one, it is the tagline that the publication chose that raised eyebrows. The tagline read The New King Of Pop. This went on to be a topic of discussion, considering Michael Jackson hustled for years to get the title.

The situation went even more viral when Michael Jackson’s nephew, Taj Jackson, reacted to it through his Twitter handle. Turns out it wasn’t just Taj who was hurt, but even Michael’s son Prince, who did not like the magazine casually calling Harry Styles by the title his father earned and owned.

Now, on Mike Tyson’s podcast Hotboxin, Prince has reacted to Harry Styles being called the New King Of Pop. He went onto to say how no star from the current scene can be even compared to his father as an artist. If anyone, who comes even close to channeling his father’s iconic appeal, it is Beyonce.


Meanwhile, back in August, while reacting to the said cover, Taj Jackson wrote, “There is no new King of Pop. You don’t own the title @RollingStone, and you didn’t earn it, my uncle did. Decades of dedication and sacrifice. The title has been retired. No disrespect to @Harry_Styles, he’s mega talented. Give him his own unique title.”


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