Love on the court Carlos Alcaraz, world tennis number 1, who is his girlfriend?

Carlos Alcaraz is number 1 in the world at only 19 years old after winning the US Open! . He is the boy of the moment. Today all the praise is for him after a final in which he gave everything against a tough rival, Casper Rood. And of course, the public wants to know more about their new sports idol. But like Rafa Nadal, Carlos Alcaraz is very reserved with his private life and does not usually talk about family, friends or romances… Despite having one with another tennis player, María González Giménez, do you know who she is?

María González Giménez, the tennis player girlfriend of Carlos Alcaraz

On the ATP tour he is the new emerging star. Carlos Alcaraz produces the same feelings in the audience and delights with the handling of his racket. On the track, fly, as the Varry Brava group would say. And outside of it, he flies with his love, María González Giménez. She is also an athlete and, what’s more, from the same branch: a tennis player! They already have something in common: values ​​and their passion for the same sport. We don’t know how they met, but surely on one track or another and between networks, right?

Carlos Alcaraz does not talk about what happens off the field, but the young couple showed the love they have for each other not long ago in some Instagram stories. Moment when the alarms went off: does Carlos Alcaraz have a girlfriend? We cannot assure or deny it. What we can tell you is that they follow each other on Instagram and that María is followed by more members of the Alcaraz family. A lot of coincidence…

The fact is that María competes for the Murcia Tennis Club, the same one where Alcaraz began to take his first steps. According to several Spanish media, María González Giménez and Carlos Alcaraz are more than friends and they are all smiles between them. She was even seen smiling when he kissed her on the cheek! From what it seems, Carlos Alcaraz is following in the same footsteps as Rafa Nadal and not only on the court, but also in love… We are looking forward to knowing more about this new sports couple.

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