Are Harry Styles and Meghan Trainor Related?

Meghan Trainor’s husband Daryl Sabara may have given away an important bit about his wife’s life via TikTok

Harry Styles and Meghan Trainor raised question over their relationship after her husband Daryl Sabara’s video leak last year.

Meghan and Daryl filmed a TikTok, revealing interesting facts about each other, one of which left the audience awestruck.

The couple has never held back from displaying love for each other whether it’s on social media or public.

The video shared by the former highlighted the aftermath of marrying a pop star, captioning it as “Things no tells you about marrying a pop star” with Meghan dancing with her husband in the background.

The video is followed by a series of round-ups, all of which were presented from Daryl’s POV.

The first one being “You can’t get her songs out of your head. Ever,” followed by another “Her DM’s are crazy” and finally, “Harry Styles becomes your brother-in-law.”

The internet went absolutely gaga after skimming through the post as to whether Styles and Trainor were actually related by blood, as one user wrote: “No one’s going to talk about Harry? How are they related!”

Another chimed in: “Is Harry really Meghan’s brother? Why didn’t I know this?”


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