Bond beauty Eva Green stripped bare: Her s”xiest X-rated movies and pictures

JAMES BOND beauty Eva Green stars in Casino Royale today but has a permanent Licence To Thrill as she strips in movies a TV shows from 300 to The Dreamers, Penny Dreadful and Camelot.

The actress is back on our screen today playing the seductive Vesper Lynd opposite Daniel Craig in the Bond classic Casino Royale at 9pm on ITV.

With or without OO7, it’s a case of Double Oh Mon Dieu every time Green takes the screen.

The French femme fatale uses her smouldering sexuality like a weapon, leaving men gasping in her wake.

In honour of the Spy Who We All Love, we take a look at her most shocking and sexy scenes and pictures ever.

Time for another bath scene, but this one is splashing around in the mythical age of king Arthur.

In the ill-fated 2011 TV show Camelot, Green shone as the wicked Morgana.

Her Gallic gorgeousness and effortless sensuality was wasted on a show that tried to be Game of Thrones but was less hit and more myth.

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