Harry Styles’ lifestyle brand Pleasing faces backlash

Harry Styles’ lifestyle brand Pleasing has launched a new candle range, only to face significant backlash from consumers

Singer Harry Styles’ brand Pleasing has come under fire from fans over its newly released line of scented candles. Priced at £80 each, some felt the candles were too expensive for the average consumer.

Pleasing launched in 2021 with a perfume collection before expanding into other self-care offerings. This week, the brand introduced soy wax jars available in scents tied to its fragrance range.

However, the price point of £80 for an 8oz candle rubbed many the wrong way. On social media, comments questioned who could reasonably afford items that charge similar rates to high-end designers. Others called the luxury pricing a “money grab”.

Styles’ devoted fans expressed their love for the artist but admitted the cost was too high.

Taking to X, one user wrote, “$80 for an 8oz candle @HarryStyles are you off your f***ing rocker?”

A fan of the singer wrote, “I love Harry Styles but my hot take is that Pleasing is not at all a well thought out or executed brand and it feels like a money grab.”

“Harry Styles baby I love you but I’m not paying $80 for a candle,” another shared.

A third agreed, “Why in gods names is your website so expensive @HarryStyles. Who can afford this stuff????”

Someone else wrote, “Breaking my silence. Pleasing is overprice AF well I know it’s Harry Styles’ but that brand is literally BRAND NEW (esp for the perfume and scented candle) and the price is equivalent to Dior, Prada etc etc likeee :/”

While the packaging aims to be environmentally-friendly with compostable materials and inks, the sustainability effort did little to offset concerns about affordability.

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