Hayden Panettiere grabs b00bs in excitement at boyfriend’s boxing match

Hello boys! Nashville star Hayden Panettiere was snapped groping her boobs at boyfriend Wladimir Klitschko’s boxing match in Germany over the weekend.

Hayden was waiting for the match to start alongside Wladimir’s brother Vitali Klitschko’s wife Natalia Egorova when she randomly cupped her left boob.

The actress who played a cheerleader in Heroes, is no stranger to the odd cheerleading tactic, but we bet her beau wasn’t expecting that level of encouragement.

Could it be that she was just keeping her increasingly larger boobs in check? Tell us what you think below. Boob job anyone?

Hayden, 23 and Wladimir, 37, are also rumoured to be engaged, due to the star wearing an engagement ring on her right hand (which is often the custom in Ukraine).

However, when asked recently by reporters if the rumours were true, Hayden responded quite grumpily and in Russian! Found out what she said below.

Then inspect Hayden’s ring in the following video and tell us what you think.

Various publications such as Daily Mail and Huffington Post have also suggested the star has gone under the knife.

Do you think Hayden has had a boob job? Check out the video below and our gallery of celebrity boob jobs gone wrong and voice your opinion below.

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