In your face, censors! Eva Green strips n@de for Sin City 2 trailer following poster ban

EVA Green found her curves being censored after her poster for the Sin City sequel was banned for being too sexy.

So what has the actress done for the actual trailer? Why, strip completely starkers of course.

The Frenchwoman, who plays Ava Lord in Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, spends most of her time in the red-band trailer naked or involved in sex scenes.


But luckily for the censors, Eva’s nude body is mostly shielded by smoke, shadows and craftily placed co-stars.

The beauty is seen caressing a male lover after inviting him into bed, before she emerges from a steam-filled pool in her birthday suit.

The organisation claimed the smouldering ad was inappropriate due to the “curve of under breast and dark nipple/areola circle [being] visible through sheer gown.”

Eva said of the ban: “You have so many more violent things in the movie business and this is kind of soft. I’m not naked. It’s suggested. I find it really sexy, actually. It’s kind of beautiful. But if it shocks people, I don’t know what to do about it.”

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