Is Brenda Patea Alexander Zverev’s new girlfriend? INSTAGRAM PICTURES

Sascha Zverev has just finished an extremely complicated season that has probably ended in the best possible way with a new stunning girlfriend: Brenda Patea.

The world no.7 had to deal with all sorts of stuff in 2019. Sasha had a harsh breakup and consequent lawsuit with his former agent Patricio Apey, and he had to deal with a complicated relationship with his former girlfriend Olya Sharypova.

Zverev and Olya Sharypova

Sascha and Olya used to date for almost 1 year, and apparently they had a rather complicated relationship. Back in April, they broke up, but then the Russian reappeared in Sascha’s box later in the summer. Olya was spotted with Sascha at the Shanghai Master to give the impression that everything was going well between the two.

However, it was difficult not to notice that Olya wasn’t with Sascha during the ATP Finals. Instead, she was very keen on “advertising” her trip to Phuket on Instagram. During a QA session on Instagram, she also confirmed that she was is single. Of course, there is no trace anymore on Sascha’s Instagram about Olya.

Zverev and Brenda Patea

The German is a great catch. After being linked to Lena Gercke (he denied the relationship), there is now a persistent rumor that supermodel Brenda Patea is his new girlfriend. Sascha is often secretive about his private life; Brenda seems to be more open giving hints on her Instagram. Sky presenters introduced Patea as Sascha’s new life partner, and she sat in Zverev’s box (this is often a strong indication of a romance).

Even if there was no official confirmation from them, many thought that a post on Instagram from Brenda was directed at him. The message appeared during the week of the ATP Finals, and Brenda commented: “The week is yours. Own it! Have a lovely day.😘”

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