Keira Knightley bares b@#bs, 10 million women scream and swear

Keira Knightley

Try as she might to be all sweet and self-deprecating in interviews, Keira Knightley will never, ever make women like her. It’s that whole Megan Fox syndrome of girls simply not liking girls who they’re convinced their boyfriends would cheat on them with, trusting and rational as we are.

But it seems Keira’s now decided not to bother trying, and has instead given the paranoid girlfriends of the world something to get really angry about – she’s been paid zillions of pennies by Chanel to get her boobs out. And we bet she got some amazing free handbags to keep them in too (the pennies, not the boobs. That would be weird). The original version of this poster was unveiled last year and wasn’t nearly so graphic, but now Uncle Karl has decided to use his secret weapon to flog his wares – itty-bitty Knightley knockers.


We bet that when Keira saw this picture she grinned coyly and said “I look quite pretty” just like she did when poor sweet smitten Andrew Lincoln showed her the wedding video in Love Actually . Or is it just us who find that to be the most infuriating cinematic moment of all time?


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