Matteo Berrettini ‘forgets Satta’: the tennis player moves in with Federica Lelli

The Italian tennis player is experiencing a particular period, happy from a love point of view

The Italian tennis player Matteo Berrettini is going through a rather particular period. In the last twelve months the Italian has played very little, constantly struggling with physical problems and has missed, among other things, the Italian Internationals in Rome.

Tonsillitis, a physical problem, yet another for the Roman champion, former number 6 in the world and now positioned around the hundredth position in the ranking. Given a constant period of crisis in recent months, many placed the blame on Melissa Satta, showgirl and now ex-girlfriend of the Italian talent.

The woman was accused of ‘distracting’ the tennis player’s passion for sport and repeatedly complained about the issue on social media and TV. The two eventually broke up and Matteo moved on. If things aren’t going very well on the pitch yet, the same cannot be said for her love life with Matteo Berrettini who now has a liaison with Federica Lelli, ex-girlfriend of the well-known Roman singer Ultimo.

Initially there was talk of simple acquaintance but instead, as reported by the newspaper Chi, the two seem to be serious right from the start. According to the newspaper, Federica Lelli moved to Matteo’s house and they are now living together, a test of coexistence in view of the future.

At the moment the blue is maintaining a more reserved attitude than in the past and has never spoken about this new relationship, never showing himself during public events. Federica Lelli, 26 years old, is a Roman influencer and model, a girl who has lived for years in a great relationship with Ultimo who also dedicated the song ‘I Tui Particulars’ to her, one of the singer’s best-known songs. Now Federica and Matteo are ready for a new turning point, a new chapter in the tennis player’s life.

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