Mila Kunis shares family secrets, they don’t shower daily and keep their bathroom doors open

Mila Kunis describes hygiene issues while living with Ashton Kutcher and their kids

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Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis made huge headlines when they announced that they were getting back together, and have been ever since.

In an effort of having a transparent relationship as a family, they both have made a pact to keep doors open all around the house, Mila told E News, “doors are always open, there are no closed doors.”

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She never thought she could use the bathroom with the door open

Mila elaborated saying that “for better or for worse, as a family, embodied bodily function as a very standard norm. I’d never thought that I would be the person that was able to go to the bathroom with the door open,” she continued, but when living with Ashton, Wyatt, and Dimitri, it changed, “It doesn’t matter if I close it. It never made a difference.”

The actress shared some insights regarding the shower situation

Mila Kunis elaborated by saying that they don’t shower their children regularly and that they have a standard “If you can see the dirt on them, clean them, otherwise, there’s no point, I didn’t have hot water growing up as a child, so I didn’t shower much anyway.”

Mila Kunis washes daily and showers seldom

However, there she does keep it clean in the special areas, “I wash my armpits and my crotch daily, and nothing else ever. I got a bar of Lever 2000 that delivers every time. … I do have a tendency to throw some water on my face after a workout to get all the salts out,”

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