The transformation of Simona Halep. What the athlete looked like at 16 years old

Simona Halep is the emblem of women’s tennis in Romania, but few remember what the athlete looked like as a teenager. Images have appeared online since she was invited to Cătălin Măruță’s show.

What Halep looked like at 16
Simona Halep is 32 years old and has many important awards in her record, such as those at Roland Garros and Wimbledon in 2018 and 2019, according to Ego.

As a teenager, when the tennis player was 16 years old, in 2008, she was invited to Cătălin Măruță’s show, shortly after she won against the Romanian Elena Bogdan.

The two played in the final of the Grand Slam tournament in Paris, and the grand prize was won by Halep.

At that time, the athlete was blonde and looked different from how we know her. He was thin on me, but he kept his optimism and serenity.

He recounted the experience in Paris
The athlete told the Pro TV presenter about her experience in Paris and what sacrifices she made to reach that level.

“I left the trophy at home, in the trophy case in Constanța. It’s the most important since I started tennis. I worked for 12 years for this. I had a party on Sunday night, went to anti-doping and immediately on the plane.

I was a bit dirty with slag, sweaty, but I had to go like that because otherwise I would miss the plane,” said Halep, at the time, on the Pro TV show.

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