France bans sale of fireworks

France has implemented a ban on the sale, possession, and transportation of fireworks during the upcoming Bastille Day weekend due to concerns about potential outbreaks of violence. The decision was made in response to footage that emerged of protesters launching fireworks during the wave of riots that swept through the country following the tragic shooting of a 17-year-old by a police officer in late June.

A decree was published in the official French government journal on Sunday, stating that the prohibition on pyrotechnic articles and fireworks would be in effect throughout the entire country until July 15th, inclusively. The aim of this measure is to prevent the occurrence of serious public disorder during the July 14th festivities, which are a significant part of France’s national day celebrations. These celebrations usually involve impressive firework displays organized across the country.

It is important to note that the ban does not apply to professionals or local authorities responsible for organizing firework shows specifically for the holiday. The French Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, emphasized the need for “massive measures to protect French people” during the sensitive period of July 13th and 14th. Borne’s commitment to safeguarding public safety was expressed in an interview with Le Parisien newspaper, which was published on Saturday.

In addition to the fireworks ban, the French government is also considering the possibility of imposing fines on the parents of minors involved in riots. President Emmanuel Macron proposed implementing a form of minimum penalty for the parents of underage individuals who engage in destructive behavior. The government, led by Prime Minister Borne, is actively exploring this option and is prepared to make amendments to existing laws if necessary.

Currently, when an adult commits an offense of this nature, a fixed fine can be issued as a consequence. However, this option is not available for minors. To address this discrepancy, Prime Minister Borne stated that they are working on a provision that would enable the imposition of fines on the parents of underage offenders. The recent riots led to the detention of minors as young as 12 and 13 years old, as reported by France’s Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin. Notably, the average age of those detained by French police during the riots was 17.

As France approaches the Bastille Day weekend, the government is taking significant steps to maintain public order and security. The ban on fireworks sales, possession, and transportation aims to mitigate the risk of violence and ensure the safety of citizens and communities across the country. The consideration of fines for the parents of underage offenders reflects a determination to address the issue comprehensively and discourage participation in destructive behavior.

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