Marion Bartoli still believes in Novak Djokovic

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Djokovic struggled a lot in the first part of the season

Former French tennis player Marion Bartoli spoke to the RMC Info Talk Sport broadcast and talked about the recent Roland Garros and the prospects ahead of the grass season. The opinion of the former transalpine player on Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner was particularly controversial.

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Bartoli said that we are definitely not at the end of Novak Djokovic’s era. The 2013 Wimbledon champion invited to talk about the potential end of the era of Novak Djokovic, who recently had a knee surgery, said that his main opponents, Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner, “are still not quite regular in big matches”.

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Bartoli said he did not believe that “the Djokovic era has come to an end”. And he thought about the semifinal and final matches of the recent Roland Garros.

Marion Bartoli reflects on Novak Djokovic

Marion Bartoli after explaining that she still does not rule out the possibility of seeing Novak Djokovic also starring at Wimbledon despite his surgery a few days ago said, “When we see the Roland Garros final between Carlos Alcaraz and Alexander Zverev, who are obviously great champions, and the number of unforced errors they kept making, Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner’s cramps in the semifinals, I have to think of one thing.

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Tell me how many times Novak Djokovic cramped in finals against Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal that lasted more than five hours? Talk about the number of errors made by these players in the finals of Grand Slam tournaments where the level is higher? This situation I do not think is the end of the Novak Djokovic era at all.”

The Serbian champion retired before playing in the quarterfinals in Paris and underwent meniscus surgery. His presence at the Wimbledon tournament, now closer and closer, is quite complicated and the Balkan tennis player is trying in every way to be available for the Olympic Games in Paris.

This 2024 has been complicated, Djokovic has had several physical problems, is still at 0 titles, and lost the number one scepter at Roland Garros to our own Jannik Sinner.

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