Thread vs Twitter: Musk threatens legal action

Twitter has sent a letter to Meta, the company behind Facebook, expressing their intention to take legal action against Meta’s new app called Threads. The app was recently launched on Apple and Android app stores in many countries, but its release in Europe has been delayed due to concerns about how it handles user data.

In the letter, which was signed by Elon Musk’s lawyer, Alex Spiro, and addressed to Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter accused Meta of unlawfully using Twitter’s trade secrets and other intellectual property. Twitter emphasized that they are committed to protecting their intellectual property rights and demanded that Meta immediately stop using any confidential information belonging to Twitter.

The letter also alleged that Meta had hired former Twitter employees who had access to Twitter’s trade secrets and confidential information. However, a spokesperson from Meta named Andy Stone denied these claims, stating that no one on the Threads engineering team has a background as a former Twitter employee.

Elon Musk, the CEO of companies like Tesla and SpaceX, responded to the news by saying, “Competition is fine, cheating is not.” This indicates his support for fair competition and his disapproval of any unfair practices.

Twitter’s letter to Meta highlights their concerns about the alleged misuse of their trade secrets and intellectual property. They are determined to protect their rights and have called on Meta to stop using any confidential information. The situation may lead to a legal battle between the two companies, and it remains to be seen how this issue will be resolved.

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